We offer comprehensive warranties on genuine TrojanUV lamps, lamp drivers and UV sensors. To check your warranty eligibility, simply fill out the claim form for your product and email it to:
For customers in North America: na.warranty@trojanuv.com
For customers outside of North America: international.warranties@trojanuv.com
Includes TrojanUVSwift®, TrojanUVSwift®SC, TrojanUVSwift®ECT, TrojanUVTelos®, TrojanUVFit®, TrojanUVPhox®, TrojanUVFlex®, TrojanUVFlex®AOP, TrojanUVTorrent® and TrojanUVTorrentECT®.
Includes TrojanUV3000®PTP, TrojanUV3000®, TrojanUV3000®B, TrojanUV3000Plus®, TrojanUV4000®, TrojanUV4000Plus®, TrojanUVSigna®, TrojanUVSonus®.
Have questions? Call us at 1 (800) 220-6118